MotorSports NE (MSNE ) New Event Registration Procedure

We recently implemented the new pre-registration protocol. The services are provided by the Axware systems – the same provider as our timing and scoring software, which promises easy integration of various aspects, like event results, season points, member's data, etc. There is a learning curve for all of us members and administrators, so let's be patient and work together. I'm sure will encounter some difficulties and questions, but with a good, positive attitude, we should do just fine in no time. The system is new and offers a great degree of customization, which we'll continue to do as it evolves.

For all first comers, before you start, please refer to the posted new Classes document for 2007 to establish the class for your car. If you are not sure, pick the class you believe the closest – we will reconfirm or change it at the event. We need to remind again, that we require unique car numbers for all cars/drivers, regardless of the class for entire season. Meaning, that if you drove the car at the event even once, the car number assigned will stay with the car/driver combination until the end of the season. If later in the season the car will be upgraded and will move to a different class – the new number will need to be assigned. So, now, you are ready to register.

First, you need to go to AXWARESYSTEMS and Register (not log in!) using the "Create User" Page, where you'll need to enter all your basic info, creating your new custom user id and password.

Second, you'll be asked to "subscribe to the club", where you'll select the Motorsports North East Club. The membership information will appear. This is not the membership in the club – it's just the entry into our database.

Third, click on My Garage under My Controls on the left hand side, which opens the window, offering to create your list of cars to be used at our events with assigned class and the car number – make sure to replace the default "-1" prior to choosing the number. Without assigning the number and the class the registration will not be transferred to the timing software for the event, even though it will be listed in the registration page at AXWARE. You'll be able to add multiple cars, in case you intend to use them (up to 10). We urge you to use Garage for entering the car into the event, even if you expect that car to be a single time entry and not to use the option of "insert new car for this event only" button. That will help us to control unique car numbers for the season points.

Now you're ready to register for event – just go to the Event Calendar, select the date, and follow simple instructions on the screen.

For all future registrations you'll be able simply go to your account and use cars in the garage for registrations. We noticed few people run into problems with different browsers, especially AOL, which relates mostly to allowing cookies. The instructions on how to fix the problem can be found here. For all regular/ already registered drivers, please note, that under no circumstance you should not change the car number assigned in the middle of the season, and you should use the car from your garage for the event registration. If you are planning to attend the event with the new car or the car driven rarely/occasionally – it will still require the new number!!!
Also, very important – if you decided not to attend the event which you pre-registered already – please log in and cancel your registration - that will automatically clear the spot for the first driver on the waiting list. In the future, we will begin to track the violators and no-shows, requiring the non-refundable pre-pay, in case of repeatable offence.

Starting from the April 1st 2007 event first 3 days of the online pre-registration will be open to the members only, with the rest of 10 days – to all. Please note, that the management of the registration is set up in a way that the wait list is not accessible even to the administrators, so it cannot be changed or manipulated to prevent potential favors. So, pre-register early and cancel in case of inability to attend!

Regarding walk-ins at the event – we'll try to accommodate as many as we can as always, but the event will be absolutely capped at 120 participants. During the on-site registration in the morning of the event – pre-registered drivers will be signed in first. The walk-ins will be accepted on the first come – first serve basis towards the end of the morning registration. The first timers walk-ins will be assigned the permanent car number, and the log in accounts at Axware will be automatically created at Axware, using the default User ID and the password (User ID – the first letter of the first name – capped, and the last name with the first letter capped – example – BSmith – for Bob Smith, and the password – as the full last name with the first letter capped – Smith). After the first attended event you will be able to log in using the default settings, and use the account for future events as regular users. You may choose to change the user ID/Password at that time as prefer.

It may look complicated at first, but actually simple and user friendly. We hope to build a solid database and improve our events significantly with your help. If questions will arise, please ask by emailing to

See you at the events!

MotorSports NE (MSNE)